Tuesday Photo: House - Rakmoddin's Travel Blog

Tuesday Photo: House


Today I just thought to start a trend to share a photo as “Tuesday Photo” to make sure that I post something on this blog at least once a week. Simply sharing a photo is not enough right? So I will be sharing a photo with the name of the place where it was shot. And I would love, if you add the words, phrases and your imagination immediately in the comment section.

For now, my Tuesday Photo is of the house in Matheran Hill Station in Maharashtra, India.
Matheran hill station in Pune, Maharashtra
Matheran hill station
Matheran is the old hill station in Maharashtra State of India which was developed by British to beat the summer heat in this region.

Whenever I visit this place I always find unique landscape for photography, also it reminds me about the old Indian Television serial Malgudi Days. It was the serial based on the works of R.K Narayan book Malgudi Days.

Thanks for reading Travel blog!! Happy Journey & Life!!

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