Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach - Rakmoddin's Travel Blog

Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach


After lot of struggle for more than 2 months finally we planned for a beach ride and executed successfully on 14th December with someone or the other missing as usual.

We planned to leave at 7 am but any how it was not possible to leave home before 7 am as the chill weather outside do not let our feet come out of our home.
Finally after forcing our self a lot we left at 7.45 am which was not too late as the actual enjoying of the beach starts after the Lunch time, so we gather at Dapodi and travelled towards Khopoli on amazing NH4 highway which are simply awesome.

After a hour journey we stopped for a breakfast at Khopoli ghat which is the ideal place when you travel on NH4 on the cool morning.

Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach
From Left Tausif- +Chetan Ranka  -Sandeep

Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid BeachAfter 1 hour ride we reached Nagaon beach which is the best beach on the way to Kashid, so we had small halt to enjoy the beach view but as the tide was too low the water level went far away which reduce the look of the beach.

Scenic view at Kashid Beach
Scenic view at Nagaon Beach
Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach

Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach

Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach
Later we left for Kashid beach and enjoyed the finest beach near Pune.

Now will let photo express our feelings.
Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach

Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach

Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach
Special guest of the trip from Bangalore
Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach

Horse riding at Kashid Beach
Horse riding on beach
Water Sports at Kashid Beach
Water sport on beach
Sports at Kashid Beach

Weekend Winter Trip to Kashid Beach
Kashid Beach, Maharashtra, India
Sunset at Kashid Beach

Sunset at Kashid Beach

Sunset at Kashid Beach

Scenic Sunset View at Kashid Beach

Sunset on Kashid Beach

Sunset on Kashid Beach

Sunset on Kashid Beach
Best time to visit the place will be the winter and summer season for calm relaxation, water sports and many more.

Thanks for reading this Travel Blog!! Happy Journey&Life!!

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