Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort in the Deccan


Gulbarga Fort, which lies at the heart of the Gulbarga town of North Karnataka, India was originally built by one Raja Gulchand and later fortified by Al-ud-din Bahamani of the Bahmani Dynasty after he cut off his ties with the Delhi Sultanate. It looks strong and a protected monument vast occupying an area of 74 acres with a circumference of 3 Kilometers.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
Gulbarga Fort, Karnataka,India
As we enter the fort throught the entrance, all we saw was a ruin fort with few intact buildings and a new town with small houses formed inside the fort. Most of the ruined structures are covered with plants and are very dangerous for the fear of snakes. The walls of the fort are broken in places but they still reflect the true construction of their past.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
My Brothers
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
Myself at Gulbarga fort

Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
It consists of two levels of walls, the outer wall which is of a lesser height and a inner wall of considerable height. There is a 30 feet deep space between these two walls around the fort.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
A Huge Cannon on the fort.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India

Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
The most beautiful and important of all the monuments inside the fort is the Jamia Masjid. It is one of the first in South India, was built to honor Gulbarga as the capital of the Bahmanid Sultanate.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
The Masjid, is only one of its kind in India with dimensions of 216 feet x 176 feet and was build on the outline of the Great Mosque of Cordoba in Spain.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
Jamia Masjid, Gulbarga fort, Karnataka, India
There are cannons on the top of few buildings which are huge enough to hold all of us ;-)
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India

Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India

Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
Gulbarga remained the capital of the Bahmani Kingdom till 1424 where after the capital was shifted to Bidar Fort, as Bidar had better climatic conditions.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
Gulbarga Fort, India

Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
Gulbarga Fort, First building on the left.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
At the end, the day well spend at Gulbarga fort with the Sunset at the last.
Gulbarga Fort- An Indo-Persian architecture fort, Karnataka, India
Sunset at Gulbarga fort, Karnataka, India
Other places to be visited in Gulbarga:
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