Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort of 15th Century - Rakmoddin's Travel Blog

Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort of 15th Century


Murud Janjira fort is one of the beautifully and strongest sea forts in India which was built over 350 years back by Siddi Johar. He was the businessmen turned rulers from Abyssinia, near Africa. It took around 22 years to build this fort with the height of over 90ft above sea and 20ft strong foundation which make it strongest sea fort in India.
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
Murud Janjira fort from Rajapuri Jetty
We visited this place on 09th November 2014 from Pune in a group of 13 people to enjoy the weekend around the konkon coast of Murud, Diveagar and Harihareshwar.
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
This is the only fort along the 700+ KM coastline of Maharashtra, which remained unconquered by the Portuguese, the British, Shivaji, Knhoji Angre and Sambhaji. Sambhaji went further on and constructed a fort in a nearby Island called as "Padamdurg Fort" which also known as Kasa. Kasa fort is not accessible for public and it requires special permission from port trust/ Navy.
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
Entrance of Murud Janjira Fort
The fort is approached by sailboats from Rajapuri Jetty and main gate of the fort faces Rajapuri on the shore and can be seen only when the boat reaches quite close to it.
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India

Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
From left +Prachi +Vishal +Sampada and Pradnya
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
Main Entrance of Murud Janjira Fort
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
Murud ferry point
The name of the fort is derived from Arabic word "Jazeera" which means an Island. It is concatenated of the "Morod" (Konkani) and "Jazeera" (Island).
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
Kalak Bangadi, Largest Cannon At Janjira Fort, Weighting over 12 Tons
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
The Sweet water pond in Murud Janjira Fort
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
Seven floors King palace in Janjira fort
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
White color Jamma Masjid in Janjira fort
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India

Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India

Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India

Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
Myself with +Shubham who helped in new hair style
Murud Janjira Fort - An unconquered fort in India
Sun about to set Murud Janjira Fort
The entrance fee is 20 INR which include to and fro of ferry ride from Rajapuri jetty to fort. You will find a guide in the ferry who will give detailed history about the fort and will request you to take a guide and visit the fort with historical detail in 1 hour. They charge around 50rs per head and you can get discount after bargain if you are in large groups. 
Our guide was quiet interesting and told "Shayari" after every points we visited. It's good to take a guide as the fort can be easily covered with detailed information about the history.

Other place of interest near Murud:
Thanks for reading this Travel Blog! Happy Journey&Life.  

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